Archive for April, 2015

Rain, rain, go away, because it’s my wedding day!
29th April, 2015


Outdoor ceremonies are very popular these days, but there is always that famous question “What if it rains”? The weather is the one thing that you cannot organise, but you can be prepared!

Sick with worry leading up to your big day? Anxiously checking the weather forecast? Here are some ways to ease the concern and embrace what you cannot control…. (The weather)!

Stop obsessing over the forecasted weather: Should you check the forecast leading up to your big day, absolutely! But don’t obsess and work yourself up over it, because as we all know the weather is in the hands of Mother Nature! We cannot control it. Another reason not to fixate on the weather, is because the weatherman has been known to get it wrong from time to time and can sometimes be misleading. It may rain in the morning and clear up just in time for your ceremony!

Have a contingency plan and communicate it: If you have prepared for the worst-case scenario with a back up plan, then you will certainly ease the worry of bad weather on your special day! Be sure to keep all of your guests and wedding vendors in the loop. A great idea is to include rain cards with your invitations, outlining what your wet weather action plan is, alternative locations and directions. Inform all of your vendors of the contingency and set an expectation by informing them what the cut off time will be.

Change the ceremony, but not the location: Do you have the option to alter your ceremony location? Perhaps there is an undercover area such as a gazebo or you could rent a tent. To have your wet weather option within the immediate vicinity is ideal, as this enables you to make a quick decision close to the ceremony start time. This also means that a simple announcement can be made to your wedding guests.

Keep it pretty: Provide aesthetic umbrellas, gumboots and blankets for all of your guests and the bridal party. Not only are you looking after your guests, having alike wet weather items ensures consistency in your images. These items can also double as great props to have fun with during your wedding shoot.

Embrace it: At the end of the day, a wedding is the celebration of two people declaring their love and making a life commitment to one another. The weather doesn’t matter and what will be, is what will be so instead of getting annoyed or upset, look on the bright side, make the best of it, laugh it off and dance in the rain!

Having an outdoor ceremony, can certainly be a wet weather risk, however if you are well equipped with a good contingency, be realistic and prepare yourself for your special day not being exactly how you imagined, then you will be thoroughly covered for the possibility of rain on your wedding day!